Providing safe abortion services for both medical & surgical procedures in South Africa and online. Remote Abortion Medication
Our clinics offer reduced-priced options for abortion services. These options include sliding scale fees, reduced-price medications, and discounts for uninsured patients.Get assisted for our Women’s clinic next to you.
Depending on the number of weeks into your pregnancy, there are different abortion options. Below are the types of abortion care that we provide.
In-clinic abortion (also known as surgical abortion) is offered up to 20 weeks and 6 days after the first day of your last menstrual period.
If your last period started more than 20 weeks and 6 days ago, we can help connect you to other abortion clinic options in your area.
In-clinic abortions are available by appointment only.
If you have asthma, bring an inhaler if you have one.
If you plan to have sedation, please do not eat for 6 hours or drink clear liquids for 6 hours before your appointment.
If you desire medication to help make your in-clinic abortion more comfortable, you must have a responsible companion with you to help you get home safely.
If you want, you can choose to be sedated with medicine to help you relax during your in-clinic abortion.
Plan to be at the health centre for 4-5 hours for your entire visit for an in-clinic abortion.
The abortion pill (also known as a medication abortion) is offered up to 10 weeks after the first day of your last menstrual period. It is a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy.
If your last period was more than 10 weeks ago, read about our in-clinic abortion services below.
Abortion pill (medication abortion) services are available by appointment only.
Plan to be at the health centre for 2-4 hours for your entire visit.
Your appointment will include the opportunity to ask questions and discuss birth control options.
If you want, we can follow up with you to make sure your abortion worked and that you are well. In the unlikely event that you are still pregnant, you may need another dose of medicine or to have an in-clinic abortion to end the pregnancy.
We’ll also give you after-care instructions and a phone number you can call with any questions or concerns. Free Online Quote
The most common trusted Source form of medication abortion involves taking a combination of two types of medication. They work together to cause the pregnancy to pass from your uterus like a heavy period or miscarriage. Abortion Clinic Services
Technically, the only thing you need to have a medication abortion is the medication. But several things can be helpful to have on hand.
For example, keeping a phone, phone charger, and emergency contact information nearby can help provide peace of mind and ensure that help is only a phone call away should you need it.
Although it’s perfectly natural to free bleed during this process, doing so can be messy.
You may find it helpful to stock up on menstrual pads or disposable period underwear designed for use with heavy periods. This can help reduce or eliminate time spent changing or washing clothes and linens.
Choose a time — preferably in the morning — when you can rest for a while after taking the medication. The abortion starts when you take the first pill.
Just before or shortly after taking the first medication, put a heavy-duty pad in your underwear. Wear and replace as needed.
You should also expect vaginal bleeding — sometimes heavier than your usual period — as the pregnancy leaves your body. It may also contain clots and tissue. Continue using pads for a few more days to help keep track of your bleeding.
You may experience a “second wave” of heavy bleeding a few days after passing the pregnancy. Cramping may increase, along with bleeding and clotting, particularly around the 4th to 5th day.
Depending on how you’re feeling, having someone rub your back, sitting on the toilet, or taking a shower may help ease any discomfort.
If you’re experiencing heavy bleeding, gently massage the abdominal, uterine, and pelvic areas for about 10 minutes. You can take acetaminophen or ibuprofen, apply a heating pad, and decrease all other physical activity, too.
Give yourself the grace to process any emotions that may come forth.
Feelings of relief, sadness, joy, or depression are common and may be strong due to the hormonal changes that occur after an abortion. Some people find these feelings don’t last very long.
Cramping will decrease as the hours and days go by.
It’s common to pass clots, especially when getting out of bed, during the first 1 to 2 weeks after a medication abortion.
You may find it helpful to wear menstrual pads or period underwear during this time. This can make it easier to tell how much you’re bleeding.
You can switch to tampons or other period products after the heavy bleeding lets up. Spotting or other light bleeding may last up to 4 weeks or more.
Breast or chest tenderness and swelling may also last up to 2 weeks.
A false-positive pregnancy test result can happen up to 4 weeks after having a medication abortion.
This is because your hormone levels are still reflecting your previous pregnancy, and it takes a little time for them to go back to their typical levels.
We recommend taking a pregnancy test about 2 weeks after taking all medications or passing the pregnancy. Take note of the date and the result received, then take another pregnancy test the following week.
If the results of the first and second tests are negative, the abortion likely worked as intended.
If the results of the first and second tests are different (i.e., one is positive and one is negative), you may need to take a third test the following week or consult with a doctor or other healthcare professional.
If the results of the first and second tests are positive, a surgical abortion may be needed to help terminate the pregnancy. Abortion Clinic Services
Talk with a doctor or other healthcare professional before attempting an at-home medication abortion if you:
are more than 12 weeks pregnant
Having symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy
Have an IUD
Blood clotting disorder or severe anaemia
Have chronic adrenal failure
Take steroid medications
Contact the Near Abortion Clinic for detailed information. Type your town in the search bar and get a clinic next to you
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