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Medication Abortion at Home (Telehealth Abortion Pills)

Abortion at home (via telehealth Call appointment) allows you to receive compassionate, expert, abortion care while in the comfort of your own home rather than at a health centre. This can be a good option if transportation, childcare, or time off from work make it hard for you to schedule an abortion appointment at one of our health centres.


Telehealth abortion is offered up to 20 weeks

Have your telehealth appointment by meeting over a secure, private call with one of our providers.

After you’ve taken the Abortion Pills medications, we’ll follow up with you to make sure the abortion was successful. There are three options for follow-up:

A phone call in one week, followed by a home pregnancy test in five weeks.

Two different blood tests at the health centre or at an outside lab (to check levels of the pregnancy hormone).

If you do experience any complications, you will need to come in person to our health centre for a check-up at no additional cost. This visit may involve an ultrasound or blood tests.

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